5 - 14
5 Servo Adjustment
< OMR-FF function adjustment items >
Enable OMR-FF function after performing the adjustment items in < Initial implementation > and adjust the
following parameters.
< Setting method >
(1) Disable SHG control.
Set #2204 : SV004(PGN2) to "0"
Set #2257 : SV057(SHGC) to "0"
Set #2208 : SV008(VIA) to "1364"
(2) Enable OMR-FF function.
#2139 : omrff_off = "0"
#2213 : SV113(SSF8)/bit0(omrffon) = "1"
(3) Set the OMR-FF function related parameters.
Set #2301 : SV101(TMA1) to the standard setting, "33".
Set #2302 : SV102(TMA2) to "88"
Set #2306 : SV106(PGM) to the same value as SV003.
Set #2312 : SV112(IFF) to "10000"
(4) Set the following parameter with overshooting, machine vibration and current value in cutting feed and
rapid traverse.
< Adjustment parameter >
#2306 : SV106(PGM)
(5) Set the following parameters with the roundness measurement.
< Adjustment parameters >
#2304 : SV104(FFR0)
#2305 : SV105(FFR1)
#2306 : SV106(PGM)
(6) Set the following parameters with the corner accuracy test.
< Adjustment parameters >
#2304 : SV104(FFR0)
#2305 : SV105(FFR1)
#2306 : SV106(PGM)
1. After the above adjustment, set SV106 in the interpolation axes to the same value as the axis with the lowest SV106
2. Perform the above confirmation of accuracy in G61.1(G8P1)(high-accuracy) mode; use the constant and filter for high-
accuracy mode with OMR-FF function. Note that only #2010: fwd-g (Feed forward gain) will be disabled.
3. When the setting value for SV105 increases, ∆R will decrease, however, overshooting or machine vibration tend to occur
during acceleration/deceleration.
-> Check the acceleration/deceleration waveforms again after setting SV105.
4. Feed forward gain (#2010 : fwd_g) on NC side will be disabled while this function is enabled
(#2139:omrff_off = "0").
5. The following functions will be disabled when using this function.
- Machine side compensation function
- Acceleration rate feed forward function
- Overshoot compensation function