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【#2313】 SV113 SSF8 Servo function 8
Select the servo functions.
A function is assigned to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F : ssc SLS (Safely Limited Speed) function
0: Stop 1: Start
bit E-9 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 8 : sto Dedicated wiring STO function
Set this parameter to use dedicated wiring STO function.
0: Dedicated wiring STO function unused 1: Dedicated wiring STO function used
bit 7-1 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 0 : omrffon OMR-FF control enabled
0: Disable 1: Enable
【#2314】 SV114 SSF9 Servo function 9
Select the servo functions.
A function is assigned to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F-9 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 8 : nohis History of communication error alarm between NC and DRV (34, 36, 38, 39)
Set "1" for C70.
0: Enable 1: Disable
bit 7 : cse Command speed monitoring function
0: Normal setting 1: Enable
bit 6-0 :
Not used. Set to "0".