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【#3049】 spt Spindle synchronization acceleration/deceleration time constant
Set the acceleration/deceleration time constant under spindle synchronization control.
The inclination of acceleration/deceleration control is determined by the ratio to limit rotation speed
(slimit). Set the same value for the reference axis and synchronous axis.
The time constant for 2nd step or subsequent steps is the magnification setting on the basis of this
setting value.
---Setting range---
0 to 9999 (ms)
【#3050】 sprlv Spindle synchronization rotation speed attainment level
Set the level of speed difference between the basic and synchronous spindles during spindle
synchronization control. Setting of the synchronous spindle side is enabled. When the difference
becomes below the setting level, the spindle speed synchronization complete signal will turn ON.
---Setting range---
0 to 4095 (pulse) (1 pulse = 0.088°)
【#3051】 spplv Spindle phase synchronization attainment level
Set the level of phase difference between the basic and synchronous spindles during spindle
synchronization. Setting of the synchronous spindle side is validated. When the difference becomes
below the setting level, the spindle phase synchronization complete signal will go ON.
---Setting range---
0 to 4095 (pulse) (1 pulse = 0.088°)
【#3052】 spplr Spindle motor spindle relative polarity
Set the polarity to match the rotation direction between the spindles which perform synchronization
control under spindle synchronization control.
0: Positive polarity (Spindle CW rotation at motor CW rotation)
1: Negative polarity (Spindle CCW rotation at motor CW rotation)
---Setting range---
0000/0001 (HEX)
【#3053】 sppst Spindle encoder Z -phase position
Set the deviation amount from the spindle's basic point to the spindle encoder's Z phase.
Obtain the deviation amount, considering a clockwise direction as positive when viewed from the
spindle's front side.
---Setting range---
0 to 359999 (1/1000°)
【#3054】 sptc1 Spindle synchronization multi-step acceleration/deceleration changeover
speed 1
Set the speed which switches from 1st step to 2nd step in spindle synchronization multi-step
acceleration/deceleration control. Set the same value for the reference axis and synchronous axis.
Set the value of limit rotation speed (slimit) or higher not to carry out a step shift.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)
【#3055】 sptc2 Spindle synchronization multi-step acceleration/deceleration changeover
speed 2
Set the speed which switches from 2nd step to 3rd step in spindle synchronization multi-step
acceleration/deceleration control. Set the same value for the reference axis and synchronous axis.
Set the value of limit rotation speed (slimit) or higher not to carry out a step shift.
---Setting range---
0 to 99999 (r/min)