
SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
5. Select Format to format the CompactFlash card.
6. Select a database, then click Next.
7. Click Next to begin installing the software on the CompactFlash card.
8. Click Finish to complete the installation.
9. Insert the CompactFlash card into the controller.
10. Press the RESET button on the controller or power it down then back up.
The system boots from the CompactFlash card, and then runs the
install utility. When installation is complete, the system automatically
11. Remove the CompactFlash card from the controller when the LED
adjacent to the card slot turns green.
12. Log in to CDE and enable MOSS sheet options (if any) in Form 04.
Note: When formatting the CompactFlash card, specify FAT as the file
Note: Wait until the computer completes writing to the CompactFlash
card before removing it
. To ensure completion, DO NOT click STOP before
Note: Certain PC CompactFlash readers have problems with cards larger
than 128M. They report that copying is complete when in fact not all the files
have been copied. If in doubt, eject the card, re-insert it, and then use
Windows Explorer to confirm that all 37 files (64 if a second language for
voice mail was installed) are present.
Do not remove the CompactFlash card while the system is
rebooting as indicated by the LED adjacent to the card slot.
Wait for the LED to turn green before removing the card.
IMPORTANT: Re-initializing a working system with a database
that has different IP addressing information than the database it is
replacing will force the IP Phones to reboot. The phones take 10 to
15 minutes to return to service once the system is re-initialized.
IMPORTANT: If the card was removed and reinserted (or replaced
by another card), the system will detect it and attempt an upgrade
or installation when it reboots. Both processes take the system out
of service. To prevent unnecessary loss of service, always remove
the external card once the system is up and running.