Routine Maintenance
Migrating an SX-200 EL/ML to an SX-200 ICP MX
Except for the parts in the table below, most of the EL/ML system,
including the customer database, is preserved in the migration to the
SX-200 ICP MX.
Table 32: Retained and Surplus Parts
Retained Parts Surplus or Unsupported Parts
main cabinet (becomes a peripheral bay) control card in main cabinet
peripheral cabinets SPINE Bays
customer database IP Nodes
peripheral interface cards and modules Control Dual and Triple FIMs/CIMs
telephones and other peripherals ISDN Gateways
COV cards/COV Vmail
SUPERSET 3 and 4 telephones
Datasets for PMS and ACD monitors
1. This migration procedure will work only for an MX controller and
not for a CXi controller.
2. An SX-200 LIGHT system must upgrade to an SX-200 EL/ML
(LW, 19.3.2 or later) before migrating to an SX-200 ICP MX.
3. Mitel Express Messenger (MEM) data (programming, greetings
and messages) are not included in the migration. If MEM is
retained, MWI will not be lost. If you continue to use the MEM
card, the database will remain operational provided that you
enable System Option 98 (Support 3DN, 4DN and 400 series
Set Types).
4. Call logs and callback requests are lost in the migration.
5. The IP bay (i.e., the controller) is bay number 1 by default. It
becomes bay number 8 following the migration. All references
in documentation are to the default.
6. The SX-200 ICP supports a maximum of 30 IP trunks. If Option
115 (Maximum IP Trunks) in Form 04 is programmed with more
than the maximum, only the first available 30 IP trunks will function.
7. Migration causes phantom bays on the SX-200 EL/ML to become
peripheral bays on the SX-200 ICP. You must manually
re-program these bays as phantoms in Form 53.