SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
Create Telephone User Guides with Manual Maker
1. Login to Mitel OnLine.
2. Navigate to Product Documentation.
3. Click Manual Maker.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to register and use Manual
Accessing Your Mitel Options Password
You must obtain your Mitel Options Password through Mitel Online
(www.mitel.com). This password is required during the upgrade
procedure, so you MUST keep a proper record of it. A new password is
issued to you if you are purchasing new options. Before attempting the
software upgrade, to confirm a current password or to purchase new
options and receive a new password, call Mitel Customer Service during
normal business hours.
Helpful websites
For definitions of technical terms
• http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia
• http://www.whatis.com
For networking information
• http://www.practicallynetworked.com
• http://www.networktroubleshooting.com
Contacting Mitel
Sending Feedback
If you have suggestions on how to improve this documentation, please
contact us at techpubs@mitel.com.
Order Desk
You can reach the Order Desk at 1-800-796-4835.
Repair Department
You must get a Return of Merchandise Authorization (RMA) form from the
Repairs Department before sending equipment back to Mitel Network
You can reach the Repairs Department at 1-888-222-6483.