
Routine Maintenance
Running the Line Quality Test
To run the Line Quality test:
1. Form 13 (Trunk Circuit Descriptors)
- Enter the milliwatt tone and silence (balance) termination numbers
provided by the CO.
2. Switch to Maintenance mode.
3. Press
select LINE_QUALITY (for one trunk) or BATCH_QUAL (for all trunks)
Respond to the prompts to run the test.
If the test is successful, the results are sent to the logs and emailed to
the address specified in Form 52 (Email).
4. Switch to CDE mode.
5. Form 13 (Audio Configuration Table subform)
- Use the recommended settings from the logs to program Length
and Impedance for the trunk(s).
1. Run the test in VT100 mode, not TTY (line interface) mode.
2. The test can be run for a single trunk, or for all trunks (three
3. The test can be immediately, or scheduled for a later time.
4. Approximate test times:
- Line Quality: 2 min / trunk
- Distortion: 40 min / trunk
- Echo: 5 min / trunk
Note: If the milliwatt tone number is unknown, program a second trunk
to provide milliwatt tone in Form 13 (Audio Configuration Table
subform). If the silence termination number is unknown, take no
action; the termination will be generated automatically.
Note: If Length and Impedance are set to AUTO, the settings will be
programmed automatically when the test is run. Refer to the logs to
determine the actual settings for AUTO.