Basic Programming
Programming the PMS Interface on the
SX-200 ICP
• Purchase MOSS Option 108, Property Management System.
• Lodgistix PMS software package (or a package that follows the same
• An RS232-to-IP serial port converter, such as the Precidia
Technologies Ether232 or iPocket232 (available from the vendor or its
resellers), for PMS applications requiring serial connectivity to the
SX-200 ICP. IP-enabled applications can connect via Telnet.
SX-200 ICP programming
1. Determine the customer’s PMS communications protocol requirements:
baud rate, parity, character length and number of stop bits.
2. Form 04, System Options
- Program the following:
System Options / Timers Status
04 Message Waiting and Message Register Clear Print ENABLE
11 Automatic Wake-Up ENABLE
13 Automatic Wake-Up Print ENABLE
32 Outgoing Call Restriction ENABLE
27 Room Status Audit DISABLE
33 Room Status DISABLE
34 Auto Room Status Conversion / Wake Up Print DISABLE
108 - Property Management System ENABLE
124 - Voice Mail Property Management System ENABLE