SX-200 ICP MX Technician’s Handbook
guidelines for handling 395
about 395
Dual FIM Module 26
operation 396
Peripheral Cabinet 57
Firmware, upgrading set
firmware 216
Folio Views
about 400
exporting sections 400
printing sections 399
searching 400
checklist 294
database backup 203
default database
configuration 16
default database values 301
list of 299
FRUsSee Part Numbers
backing up to remote server 203
setting up server 75
General network
troubleshooting 278
General signalling and supervision
concepts 251
General troubleshooting steps 240
assigning RAD greetings to
ports 97
recording RAD greetings 96
Ground start trunk,
troubleshooting 255
Grounding stud 31
handling fiber optic cables 395
Handling PCB cards 37, 195
Hard drive 27
installing 46
replacing 199
Analog Option Board 39
ASU 64
cabinet control cards 61
CIM, Peripheral Cabinet 57
Clock Module 48
computer 28
computer requirements 82
controller 24
controller hard drive 46
digital services cards and
modules 61
DSP Module 41
Dual FIM Module 43
Dual T1/E1 Framer Module 45
FIM, Peripheral Cabinet 57
hard drive 46
interface cards and modules 59
Music on Hold 72
NSU 54
optional hardware 37
overview 24
paging/door opener 72
Peripheral Cabinet 57
ports and connectors 24
Quad CIM Module 44
rack mounting controller/NSU 53
requirements 27
wall mounting controller 49
Health, system health checklist 193
COS options 149
Front Desk User Guide 4
PMS messages 270
programming circuit
descriptor 143
troubleshooting 270
Hubs 32
Hunt group
assigning voice mail ports 97
naming 97
Phonebook 103