
Basic Programming
7. Form 15, Dial-In Trunks
PRI trunks are Dial-In Trunks and are not normally used in a
Non-Dial-in configuration.
Search for the correct Bay/Slot/Circuit and enter the following for
each trunk:
- COS number – see previous requirements
- COR number
- Tenant number – unless site has tenanting set to 1
- N – number of incoming DID digits – usually 4
- M – number of digits to absorb – usually 0
- X – digits to be inserted (up to 2 digits)
- CDN – Circuit Descriptor Number
- Trunk Number – Enter a trunk number (1-200)
8. Form 16, Trunk Groups
- Locate an empty Trunk Group and add the PRI trunks (trunk
numbers programmed in Form 15) to the Trunk Group. (Program
them in reverse order to prevent contention with incoming calls
from the CO.)
- Add a name to the Trunk Group for future reference.
- Set Group Type to Terminal (recommended) or Cyclic.
- Enable SMDR (outgoing only) if required.
9. Form 42, T1 Link Descriptor
- Create a Link Descriptor for the PRI trunks using the recommended
settings in the following table:
Table 17: T1 Link Descriptor Values for PRI trunks
Descriptor Value
Alarm debounce timer (300 –3200 ms) 2500
Line Coding (AMI, AMI&ZCS, B8ZS) B8ZS
Line Build Out (0, -7.5, -15. –22.5 dB) 0 dB
Line Length (max 132, 265,398,533 or 655) 266-398
Framing (D4 or ESF) D4
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