
Release Notes
Every software release is accompanied by Release Notes, which describe
software changes, bug fixes, outstanding issues, and hardware
compatibility considerations for the new software release. Read the
Release Notes before you begin a software upgrade.
Technical Bulletins
Technical Bulletins (TBs) are issued by Mitel
Technical Support to
address frequently asked questions regarding software and hardware
problems. Obtain the latest TBs from Mitel OnLine.
Mitel Knowledge Base
The Mitel Knowledge Base is a searchable database of problem-solving
information on the SX-200 ICP and other Mitel products. The database is
accessed through Mitel Online.
Accessing Mitel Online
You can access Mitel Online from the www.mitel.com Web site.
Access Product and Technical Documentation
1. Login to Mitel OnLine.
2. Navigate to Product Documentation (Technical Documents, User
Guides, and Installation Guides) OR Knowledge Base (Release Notes
and Technical Bulletins).
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Right-click on the name of the document and select Save Target As
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Tip: You must be a registered user to access Mitel Online.