powering up system 195
Power Fail Transfer 66
Premier 22, 31
Premier Business systems 22, 31
Premier database 205
PRI card
programming in Peripheral
Cabinet 112
Printed Circuit Board See PCB cards
Printed documents 4
Printer, programming ports 105
Printing Folio views sections 399
Product and technical
documentation 5
Programmable Key Module See PKM
Programmable keys, phones 90, 91
Programmable keys, PKMs 92
Programming 130
6010 Teleworker Solution 151
ACD dataset 143
analog device to SIM2 112
analog trunks 131
ANI/DNIS On Incoming
Trunks 135
attendant console 104
auto program sets 107
CLASS trunks 139
computer requirements 82
customer data 82
deleting device 109
dial-in trunks 133
DISA trunks 134
DNIC circuits 104
e-mail notification of
alarms/E911 187
Embedded PRI 125
enabling MOSS options 86
External Call Forward 159
Forward voice mail to e-mail 186
FTP server 75
Hotel/Motel circuit descriptor 143
multi-line set 111
Music on Hold 72
MyAdministrator 158
non dial-in trunks 131
paging/door opener 72
phone features 88
Phonebook 103
PMS Interface 145
PRI card, Peripheral Cabinet 112
printer ports 105
RAD 96
Record a Call 97
single line voice station 110
SMTP server information 185
Spectralink Wireless
Telephones 153
static address, IP phones 287
static IP address, NSU 118
Subattendant set 104
Telnet connection to
controller 83
voice mail 93
Web Interface connection to
controller 84
Windows 2000 DHCP server 178
Property Management System See
programming PRI card 112
Quad CIM Module 26
installing 44
Quad DSP MMC 26
Questions, network planning 170
Quick installation 22
running tool 66
RAC See Record a Call
Rack mounting 31
controller/NSU 53
ventilation 53
assign greetings to ports 97
enabling 96
message length timer 97