Basic Programming
Programming IP Sockets for Hotel/ Motel
terminals and ACD Monitor
1. Form 03, COS Define
- Select the COS number.
- Enable the following COS Options:
901 - DTRX Herald
904 - DTRX Complete Message Text
906 - Data SMDR - Does Not Apply
2. Form 29, DTE Profile
- Select a DTE profile number. You will use this profile number in
Form 12 - Data Assignment.
- Select the SEL. Option Subform.
- Enable: DTRX Echoplex, Editing, and Edit Character = 127.
3. Form 11, Data Circuit Descriptor
- Select a Circuit Descriptor (CDN).
Match the CDN values to those of the selected Terminal. For
example, All Baud Rates = 9600, Parity = None, Character Length
= 8, and Stop Bits = 1.
4. Form 12, Data Assignment
- Program a SOCKET type data device to an available PLID in the
following range:
1/13/20 61320 1/13/25 61325
1/13/21 61321 1/13/26 61326
1/13/22 61322 1/13/27 61327
1/13/23 61323 1/13/28 61328
1/13/24 61324
Note: Hotel/Motel front desk terminals, ACD Monitors and other applications
that are not IP-enabled, and that require bi-directional data, must use an
RS232-to-IP serial port converter, such as the Precidia Technologies
Ether232 or iPocket232 (available from the vendor or its resellers), to connect
to the SX-200 ICP. A dataset connection to a DNIC port or an RS-232 serial
port on the SX-200 ICP controller will not work.