Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit
Tachometer Check
Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in the same man-
ner as specified in the "Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Seg-
ments Check".
When the terminals are connected, the tachometer nee-
dle m omentary points to the last reading, and then return
to the 0 position.
If the needle function does not work, replace the meter
The revolutions per minute (rpm) equivalent to the input
frequency is indicated in the oscillator [A] if the square
wave (illustrated as shown) would be input into the termi-
nal [7].
Indicates approximately 4 000 rpm in case the input fre-
quency would be approximately 133.3 Hz.
If the oscillator is not available, the tachometer can be
checked as follows.
Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in the same man-
ner as specified in the "Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Seg-
ments Check".
When the terminals are connected, the tachometer nee-
dle m omentary points to the last reading, and then return
to the 0 position.
If the needle function does not work, replace the meter
Using the insulated auxiliary lead, quickly open and con-
nect the terminal [1] to the terminal [7] repeatedly.
Then the tachometer needle [A] should flick [B].
If the hand does not flick, replace the meter assembly.