Service Code Reading
The service code(s) is displayed on the LCD by the number of two digits.
When there are a number of problems, all the service codes can be s tored and the display will begin
starting from the lowest number service code in the numerical order.
Then after completing all codes, the display is repeated until the ignition switch is turned OFF or
RESET button is pushed for more than two seconds.
For example, if three problems occurred in the order of 46, 15, 35, the service codes are
displayed (each two seconds) from the lowest number in the order listed as shown below.
(15→35→46)→(15→35→46)→· · ·(repeated)
If there is no problem or when the repair has been done, FI and/or immobilizer symbols go off and
no service c ode is displayed.
If the problem is with the following parts, the ECU can not memorize these problems, the warning
indicator light (LED), FI and/or immobilizer warning symbols do not blinks, and no service codes
Warning Indicator Light (LED)
FI and/or Immobilizer Warning Symbols for LCD
Stick Coil Secondary Wiring and Ground Wiring (see Stick Coil (Ignition Coil together with Spark
Plug Cap) Inspection in the Electrical System chapter)
ECU Power Source Wiring and Ground Wiring (see ECU power Supply Inspection)
When repair has been done, FI and/or immobilizer warning symbols go off and no service code is
But the service codes stored in memory of the ECU are not erased to preserve the problem history.
In this model, the problem history can not be erased.