BRAKES 12-19
Brake Fluid
Brake Fluid Level Inspection
Refer to the Brake Fluid Level Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter (see Brake Fluid Level Inspection in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter).
Brake Fluid Change
Refer to the Brake Fluid Change in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter (see Brake Fluid Change in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter).
Brake Line Bleeding
The brake fluid has a very low compression coefficient so
that almost all the movement of the brake lever or pedal
is transmitted directly to the caliper for braking action. Air,
however, is easily compressed. When air enters the brake
lines, brake lever or pedal movement will be partially used
in compressing the air. This will make the lever or pedal feel
spongy, and there will be a loss in braking power.
Be sure to bleed the air from the brake line when-
ever brake lever or pedal action feels soft or
spongy after the brake fluid is changed, or when-
ever a brake line fitting has been loosened for any
The procedure to bleed the front brake line is as follows.
Bleeding the rear brake line is the same as for the front
Screw [A]
Clamp [B]
Front Brake Reservoir Cap [C]
Diaphragm Plate
Fill the reservoir with fresh brake fluid to the upper level
line in the reservoir.
With the reservoir cap off, slowly pump the brake lever
several times until no air bubbles can be seen rising up
through the fluid from the holes at the bottom of the reser-
Bleed the air completely from the master cylinder by this