Air Switching Valve
Air Switching Valve Operation Test
Refer to the Air Suction System Damage Inspection in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter (see Air Suction System
Damage Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance c hapter).
Air Switching Valve Unit Test
Remove the air switching valve (see Air Switching Valve
Removal in the Engine Top End chapter).
Set the hand tester [A] to the × Ω range and connect it to
the air switching valve terminals as shown.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Air Switching Valve Resistance
Standard: 18 ∼ 22 Ω at 20°C (68°F)
If the resistance reading is except the specified value, re-
place it with a new one.
Connect the 12 V battery [A] to the air switching valve
terminals as shown.
Blow the air to the inlet air duct [A], and make sure does
not flow the blown air from the outlet air ducts [B].
Disconnect the 12 V battery.
Blow the air to the inlet air duct [A] again, and make sure
flow the blown air from the outlet air ducts [B].
If the air switching valve dose not operate as described,
replace it with a new one.
To check air flow through the air switching v alve, just
blow through the air switching v alve hose (inlet side)