
Use the embedded Web server or the HP ToolboxFX
You can use the embedded Web server (EWS) or HP ToolboxFX to view or change the IP configuration
settings. To access the embedded Web server, type the IP address for the product in the address line
of the browser.
NOTE: Macintosh users can access the EWS by clicking the Utility button when viewing the print
queue. This will start a Web browser, such as Safari, which allows the user to access the EWS. The
EWS can also be accessed directly by typing the network IP address or DNS name of the product into
the Web browser.
From the Networking tab (EWS) or the Network Settings tab (HP ToolboxFX), you can change the
following configurations:
Host Name
Manual IP Address
Manual Subnet Mask
Manual Default Gateway
NOTE: Changing the network configuration might require you to change the browser URL before you
can communicate with the product again. The product will be unavailable for a few seconds while the
network resets.
Set a system password
Use HP ToolboxFX or the embedded Web server to set a system password.
1. In the embedded Web server, click the Settings tab.
In HP ToolboxFX, click the Device Settings tab.
NOTE: If a password has already been set, you are prompted for it. Type the password, and then
click Apply.
2. Click Password.
3. In the Password box, type the password that you want to set, and then in the Confirm
password box, type the same password again to confirm your choice.
4. Click Apply to save the password.
24 Chapter 4 I/O configuration ENWW