• If a diver had less than 2 hours total accumulated dive time in
the last 48 hours, then a 12 hour surface interval before fl ying is
• Following any dive that required a decompression stop, fl ying
should be delayed for at least 24 hours, and if possible, for 48
• Suunto recommends that fl ying is avoided until all the DAN and
UHMS guidelines and the dive computer wait to fl y conditions
are satisfi ed.
The dive computer features audible and visual alarms to advise when
important limits are approached or to acknowledge preset alarms.
A short single beep occurs, when:
• the dive computer is activated.
• when the dive computer automatically returns to the TIME
Three double beeps occur, when:
• the cylinder pressure reaches 50 bar [725 psi]. The cylinder
pressure display will start to blink (Fig. 3.12.).
• the cylinder pressure reaches the selected alarm pressure.
• the calculated remaining air time reaches zero.
Three single beeps with a two second interval and the backlight
activated for 5 seconds occur, when:
• the no-decompression dive turns into a decompression stop
dive. An arrow pointing upwards and the blinking ascent warning
ASC TIME will appear (Fig. 3.16.).
• Gas change is prompted
Continuous beeps and the backlight activated for 5 seconds oc-
cur, when:
• the maximum allowed ascent rate, 10 m/min [33 ft/min], is
exceeded. SLOW and STOP warnings will appear (Fig. 3.13.).
• the Mandatory Safety Stop ceiling is exceeded. A downward
pointing arrow will appear (Fig. 3.15.).
• the decompression ceiling depth is exceeded. An error warning Er
and a downward pointing arrow appear. You should immediately
descend to, or below, the ceiling. The instrument will otherwise
enter a permanent Error Mode within three minutes, indicated
by a permanent Er (Fig. 3.19.).