OwnIndex is a result of the Polar Fitness Test that is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic fi tness. The
OwnIndex is based on your heart rate and heart rate variability at rest as well as on your gender, height, body weight, and
self assessed physical activity. OwnIndex is a score, which is comparable to VO
(ml/kg/min), a commonly used descriptor
of aerobic fi tness.
Aerobic (cardiovascular) fi tness relates to how well your cardiovascular system works to transport oxygen to your body. The
better your aerobic fi tness, the stronger and more effi cient your heart is. Good aerobic fi tness has many health benefi ts.
For example, it decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and high blood pressure. If you want to improve your
aerobic fi tness, it takes a minimum of six weeks of regular training to see a noticeable change in your OwnIndex. Less fi t
individuals see progress even more rapidly. More active individuals require more time.
Aerobic fi tness is best improved by exercise types that use large muscle groups. Such activities include for example,
walking, running, cycling, rowing, swimming, skating, and cross-country skiing.
To be able to determine your current fi tness level, start by measuring your OwnIndex a couple of times over the fi rst two
weeks to get a reliable baseline value. Thereafter, repeat the test once a month in order to follow your fi tness progress.
The Polar Fitness Test is targeted to healthy adults.