Polar F11 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

4. OwnIndex: The determination of your current fi tness level affects the amount of exercise at different intensity levels that
the Program recommends.
• If you have already performed the Fitness Test, your latest OwnIndex value is displayed.
If you know your maximal aerobic power (VO
, ml/kg/min) from a laboratory measurement or from another fi tness test
you perform regularly, you can adjust your OwnIndex by pressing the / buttons. Press OK.
5. Target: Press the / buttons to select the Program level according to your target: MAXIMIZE, IMPROVE, or MAINTAIN.
Target selection affects your target exercise time. Press OK.
Select Maximize if your target is to maximize your current aerobic fi tness level. Select Maximize if you have been
exercising regularly for at least 10-12 weeks and exercising nearly every day is not a problem for you. The Program
recommends that you exercise approximately fi ve hours a week, divided into four to six exercise sessions.
Select Improve if your target is to improve your current aerobic fi tness level and you are able to exercise regularly. The
Program recommends that you exercise approximately three hours a week, divided into three to fi ve exercise sessions.
Select Maintain if your target is to maintain your current aerobic fi tness level. If you have not exercised recently,
Maintain is a good start for you and may even improve your fi tness. The Program recommends that you exercise
approximately one and half-hour per week, divided into two to three exercise sessions.