
Appendix I-Setting the Collaboration Server for Integration Into Microsoft Environment
Polycom, Inc. I-13
The Collaboration Server creates a New Certificate Request and returns it to the Create
Certificate Request dialog box along with the information the user submitted.
15 Click Copy Request to copy the New Certificate Request to the workstation’s clipboard.
16 Connect to your preferred Certificate Authority’s website using the web browser.
17 Follow the purchasing instructions at the Certificate Authority’s website.
18 Paste (Ctrl + V) the New Certificate Request as required by the Certificate Authority.
The Certificate Authority issues the TLS/SSL certificate, and sends the certificate to you
by e-mail.
When creating the certificate request in the Certificate Authority site, make sure that the Web Server
option is selected as the Certificate Template, as shown in the example below.
If the process of purchasing the certificate is short, you may leave the IP Network Service - SIP
Servers dialog box open. Otherwise, close it without saving the changes to the Transport Type and
Certificate Method.