Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
Polycom, Inc. C-27
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Participant Current
The participant line rate in Kbps.
Table C-28 Event fields for Event 33 - PARTY CHAIR UPDATE
Field Description
Participant Name The participant name.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Chairperson Possible values:
• True - participant is a chairperson
• False - Participant is not a chairperson participant (is a standard
Table C-29 Event fields for Event 34 - PARTICIPANT MAXIMUM USAGE INFORMATION
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Maximum Bit Rate The maximum bit rate used by the participant during the call.
Maximum Resolution The maximum resolution used by the participant during the call.
Note: The reported resolutions are: CIF, SD, HD720, and HD1080.
Other resolutions are roundED up to the nearest resolution. For
example, 2SIF is reported as SD resolution.
Maximum Frame Rate The maximum frame rate used by the participant during the call.
Participant Address For H.323 participants, the participant alias. The alias may contain up to
512 characters.
For SIP participants, the participant address. The address may contain
up to 80 characters.
Table C-30 Event Fields for Event 35 - SVC SIP PARTICIPANT CONNECTED
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
An empty field "" denotes an unidentified participant or a participant whose
name is unspecified
Table C-26 Event fields for Event 31 - PARTICIPANT CONNECTION RATE (Continued)
Field Description