RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
16-8 Polycom, Inc.
11 Modify the following fields:
12 Click OK.
13 If you have modified the Management Network Properties, reset the MCU.
Table 16-5 Management Network Properties – Security Parameters
Field Description
Select to enable Secured Communication.
The Collaboration Server supports TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 (Secure Socket
A SSL/TLS Certificate must installed on the Collaboration Server for this
feature to be enabled. For more information see Appendix G, “Secure
Communication Mode”on page G-1.
Skip certificate
validation for user
logging session
Select this check box to prevent peer certificate requests being issued.
For more information see Appendix G, “Configure Certificate
Management”on page G-2.
This check box must be cleared when enabling Secured Mode. If it is not
cleared an Active Alarm is created and a message is displayed stating
that Secured Communications Mode must be enabled.