Chapter 8-Address Book
Polycom, Inc. 8-9
Alias Name/Type
(H.323 Only)
If you are using the endpoint’s alias and not the IP address, first
select the type of alias and then enter the endpoint’s alias:
• H.323 ID (alphanumeric ID)
• E.164 (digits 0-9, * and #)
• Email ID (email address format,
e.g. abc@example.com)
• Participant Number (digits 0-9, * and #)
• Although all types are supported, the type of alias is dependent on
the gatekeeper’s capabilities. The most commonly supported alias
types are H.323 ID and E.164.
• This field is used to enter the Entry Queue ID, target Conference
ID and Conference Password when defining a cascaded link.
SIP Address/Type
(SIP Only)
Select the format in which the SIP address is written:
• SIP URI - Uses the format of an E-mail address, typically
containing a user name and a host name: sip:[user]@[host]. For
example, sip:dan@polycom.com.
Note: If the SIP Address field contains an IPv6 address, it must be
surrounded by square brackets, for example, [::1].
• TEL URI - Used when the endpoint does not specify the domain
that should interpret a telephone number that has been input by
the user. Rather, each domain through which the request passes
would be given that opportunity.
For example, a user in an airport might log in and send requests
through an outbound proxy in the airport. If the users enters “411”
(this is the phone number for local directory assistance in the United
States), this number needs to be interpreted and processed by the
outbound proxy in the airport, and not by the user's home domain. In
this case, tel: 411 is the correct choice.
Endpoint Website IP
Enter the IP address of the endpoint’s internal site to enable
connection to it for management and configuration purposes.
This field is automatically completed the first time that the endpoint
connects to the Collaboration Server. If the field is blank it can be
manually completed by the system administrator. The field can be
modified while the endpoint is connected
Audio Only Select this check box to define the participant as a voice participant,
with no video capabilities.
Table 8-3 New Participant – General Properties (Continued)
Field Description