Chapter 21-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 21-17
ENABLE_H239 When set to YES, Content is sent via a separate Content
channel. Endpoints that do not support H.239 Content sharing
will not be able to receive
When set to NO, the Content channel is closed. In such a
case, H.239 Content is sent via the video channel (“people”
video) enabling endpoints that do not support H.239 Content
sharing to receive the Content in their video channel.
Default: YES.
ENABLE_H239_ANNEX_T In H.239-enabled MIH Cascading, when MGC is on level 1,
enables sending Content using Annex T.
When set to YES, RTCP FIR is used for sending Intra
Requests. When set to NO Intra Requests are sent using SIP
INFO Messages.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
ENABLE_MS_FEC Enables the Microsoft FEC (Forward Error Correction)
support for RTV.
Range: Auto/No
Default: Auto
When set to Auto, FEC support is enabled. FEC uses the
DV00 option (DV=00 - one FEC per frame using XOR). When
set to No, FEC support is disabled.
Enables playing a voice message that Informs the participant
of the lack of Video Resources in the Collaboration Server
and that he/she is being connected as Audio Only.
Default: YES
If security is of higher priority than SIP Content sharing, SIP
People+Content can be disabled by setting this System Flag
to NO. (The content management control (BFCP) utilizes an
unsecured channel (60002/TCP) even when SIP TLS is
Default: YES
When set to YES, SIP People+Content and BFCP capabilities
are declared with all vendors’ endpoints.
Default: YES
Range: YES / NO
ENABLE_SIRENLPR Enable / disable SirenLPR Audio Algorithm for use in IP
(H.323, SIP) calls in both CP and VSW conferences.
Range: YES / NO
Default: YES
Enables the SirenLPR audio algorithm when using encryption
with the SIP protocol.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
Table 21-2 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description