Chapter 7-Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conferences and SIP Factories
Polycom, Inc. 7-3
2 In the Entry Queues list pane, click the New Entry Queue button.
The New Entry Queue dialog box opens.
3 Define the following parameters:
Table 7-2: Entry Queue Definitions Parameters
Option Description
Display Name The Display Name is the conferencing entity name in native language
character sets to be displayed in the Collaboration Server Web
In conferences, Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues and SIP factories the
system automatically generates an ASCII name for the Display Name
field that can be modified using Unicode encoding.
• English text uses ASCII encoding and can contain the most
characters (length varies according to the field).
• European and Latin text length is approximately half the length of
the maximum.
• Asian text length is approximately one third of the length of the
The maximum length of text fields also varies according to the
mixture of character sets (Unicode and ASCII).
Maximum field length in ASCII is 80 characters. If the same name is
already used by another conference, Meeting Room or Entry Queue,
the Collaboration Server displays an error message requesting you to
enter a different name.