Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
13-26 Polycom, Inc.
ICE RealPresence
Collaboration Server
800s IP Address
The IP address, port number, and transport protocol of the MCU used
to pass through the media when ICE is functional.
ICE Participant IP
The IP address, port number, and transport protocol of the endpoint
used to pass through the media when ICE is functional. See
Appendix I, “Monitoring the Participant Connection in ICE
Environment”on page I-36.
ICE Connection Type Indicates the type of connection between the Collaboration Server
and the participant in the ICE environment:•
Local (or Host) - The endpoint (Remote) is on the same network
as the Collaboration Server and the media connection is direct,
using local addresses.
• Relay - Media between the Collaboration Server and the
participant passes through a media relay server.
• Firewall - Media connection between the Collaboration Server
and the participant is done using their external IP addresses (the
IP addresses as seen outside of the local network).
Media Info This table provides information about the audio and video parameters,
such as video algorithm, resolution, etc. For more information, see
Appendix E: "Participant Properties Advanced Channel Information”
on page E-1.
RTP Statistics This information may indicate problems with the network which can
affect the audio and video quality. For more information, see Appendix
E: "Participant Properties Advanced Channel Information” on
page E-1.
Table 13-13 Participant Properties - Channel Status Advanced Parameters (Continued)
Field Description