Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
6-2 Polycom, Inc.
Meeting Rooms List
Meeting Rooms are listed in the Meeting Room list pane.
To list Meeting Rooms:
>> In the RealPresence Collaboration Server Management pane, in the Frequently Used list, click
the Meeting Rooms button .
The Meeting Rooms List is displayed.
An active Meeting Room becomes an ongoing conference and is monitored in the same way
as any other conference.
The Meeting Room List columns include:
Table 6-2 Meeting Rooms List Columns
Field Description
Display Name Displays the name and the icon of the Meeting Room in the Collaboration
Server Web Client.
An active video Meeting Room that was activated when
the first participant connected to it.
A passive video Meeting Room that is waiting to be
Routing Name The ASCII name that registers conferences, Meeting Rooms, Entry
Queues and SIP Factories in the various gatekeepers and SIP Servers. In
addition, the Routing Name is also:
• The name that endpoints use to connect to conferences.
• The name used by all conferencing devices to connect to conferences
that must be registered with the gatekeeper and SIP Servers.
Meeting Room Toolbar
Meeting Room List
Access to Meeting Rooms