Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
13-2 Polycom, Inc.
You can click the blinking Participant Alerts indication bar to view participants that require
attention. For more information, see "System and Participant Alerts” on page 20-1.
Conference Level Monitoring
In addition to the general conference information that is displayed in the Conference list
pane, you can view the details of the conference’s current status and setup parameters,
using the Conference Properties dialog box.
Viewing the Properties of an Ongoing AVC CP and Mixed CP and SVC
To view the parameters of an ongoing AVC CP conference:
1 In the Conference list pane, double-click the AVC CP conference or right-click the AVC
CP conference and then click Conference Properties.
The Conference Properties - General dialog box with the General tab opens.
The following information is displayed in the General tab:
Viewing Permissions
Table 13-1 Conference Properties - General
Field Description
Display Name The Display Name is the conference name in native language and
Unicode character sets to be displayed in the RP Collaboration
Server Web Client.
Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.