RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
C-30 Polycom, Inc.
Net Channel Width The bandwidth of each channel.
This value is always 0, which represents a bandwidth of 1B, which is the only
bandwidth that is currently supported.
Net Service Name The name of the Network Service.
An empty field “” indicates the default Network Service.
Restrict Indicates whether or not the line is restricted, as follows:
27 - Restricted line
28 - Non restricted line
255 - Unknown or not relevant
Voice Mode Indicates whether or not the participant is an Audio Only participant, as
0 - The participant is not an Audio Only participant
1 - The participant is an Audio Only participant
255 - Unknown
Number Type Note: This field is only relevant to dial-out, ISDN/PSTN participants.
The type of telephone number, as follows:
0 - Unknown
1 - International
2 - National
3 - Network specific
4 - Subscriber
6 - Abbreviated
255 - Taken from Network Service, default
Net SubService
Note: This field is only relevant to dial-out, ISDN/PSTN participants.
The network sub-service name.
An empty field “” means that MCU selects the default sub-service.
Number of Party
Phone Numbers
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
The number of participant phone numbers.
In a dial-in connection, the participant phone number is the CLI (Calling Line
Identification) as identified by the MCU.
In a dial-out connection, participant phone numbers are the phone numbers
dialed by the MCU for each participant channel.
Number of MCU
Phone Numbers
Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
The number of MCU phone numbers.
In a dial-in connection, the MCU phone number is the number dialed by the
participant to connect to the MCU.
In a dial-out connection, the MCU phone number is the MCU (CLI) number
as seen by the participant.
Table C-35 Event Fields for Events 108, 112 - OPERATOR MOVE PARTY TO CONFERENCE,
Field Description