RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
B-4 Polycom, Inc.
Failed to create Default Profile Possible reasons for the failure:
• Failed to validate the default Profile.
• Failed to add the default Profile.
Possible action:
• Restore the Collaboration Server configuration from the Backup.
• Use the Non-Comprehensive Restore To Factory Defaults operation.
Failed to initialize system base mode
Failed to initialize the file system Possible reasons for the failure:
• Failed to initialize the file system.
• Failed to initialize the file system and create the CDR index.
Reset the MCU.
Failed to open Users list file Restore the MCU configuration or re-define the user.
Failed to register with DNS server Check the DNS configuration.
Failed to subscribe with the OCS,
therefore the A/V Edge Server URI was
not received
Failure in initialization of SNMP agent.
Fallback version is being used Fallback version is being used. Restore current version.
Version being used: [running version]; Current version: [current version].
Fan Problem Level Critical
Fan Problem Level Major
File error Possible reasons for the file error:
• XML file does not exist [file name]; Error no: [error number].
• Not authorized to open XML file [file name]; Error no: [error number].
• Unknown problem in opening XML file [file name]; Error no: [error number].
• Failed to parse XML file [file name].
File system scan failure File system scan failure: Failed to scan [file system path].
Multiple occurrences may point to a hardware problem.
System is functioning.
File system space shortage File system space shortage:
Out of file system space in [file system path]; Free space: [free space
percentage]% ([free space] Blocks) - Minimum free space required: [minimum
free space percentage]% ([minimum free space] Blocks).
FIPS 140 failure
FIPS 140 test result not received
Table B-1 Active Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description