
RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
B-4 Polycom, Inc.
Failed to create Default Profile Possible reasons for the failure:
Failed to validate the default Profile.
Failed to add the default Profile.
Possible action:
Restore the Collaboration Server configuration from the Backup.
Use the Non-Comprehensive Restore To Factory Defaults operation.
Failed to initialize system base mode
Failed to initialize the file system Possible reasons for the failure:
Failed to initialize the file system.
Failed to initialize the file system and create the CDR index.
Reset the MCU.
Failed to open Users list file Restore the MCU configuration or re-define the user.
Failed to register with DNS server Check the DNS configuration.
Failed to subscribe with the OCS,
therefore the A/V Edge Server URI was
not received
Failure in initialization of SNMP agent.
Fallback version is being used Fallback version is being used. Restore current version.
Version being used: [running version]; Current version: [current version].
Fan Problem Level Critical
Fan Problem Level Major
File error Possible reasons for the file error:
XML file does not exist [file name]; Error no: [error number].
Not authorized to open XML file [file name]; Error no: [error number].
Unknown problem in opening XML file [file name]; Error no: [error number].
Failed to parse XML file [file name].
File system scan failure File system scan failure: Failed to scan [file system path].
Multiple occurrences may point to a hardware problem.
System is functioning.
File system space shortage File system space shortage:
Out of file system space in [file system path]; Free space: [free space
percentage]% ([free space] Blocks) - Minimum free space required: [minimum
free space percentage]% ([minimum free space] Blocks).
FIPS 140 failure
FIPS 140 test result not received
Table B-1 Active Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description