Nike + SPORTBAND Fitness Equipment User Manual

The Nike+ SportBand User’s Guide
1 sec
During Your Run
Recording a Run
After your Link is charged, and you’ve
customized the settings, disconnect the
Link from the USB port on your computer,
and place it back in the SportBand.
1. Makesurethesensorisinyourshoe.
remove the foam insert from the pocket
underneath, and replace it with the sensor,
flat side up. (fig.21)
2. RemovetheSportBandLinkfromyour
computer and place it back in your band.
3. Establish the connection between the
and hold the Record button on the top of
the SportBand for a full 3 seconds. (fig.22)
A blinking shoe icon will appear in the up-
per left hand corner of the display, while it
connects to your shoe sensor. The display
make sure that your shoe sensor is send-
ing a signal. When a connection is ready,
the shoe icon will stop blinking. Note: Be
sure to walk around, and allow the shoe
sensor to send a signal to your SportBand.
hold the record button for 3 seconds. This
will end the workout and exit recording
4. Tostartrecordingyourrun,simplypress
the Record button (on the top, fig. 23).A
bar will animate across the bottom of the
display, indicating that the SportBand is
recording. (fig.24)Note:Press,butdon’t
hold and press, the Record button to start
your run will automatically end, and your
info won’t get recorded, or be available for
upload to
5. Start running!
animation bar