The Nike+ SportBand User’s Guide
User Calibration
Set the time and date to this computer’s settings
1 2:38:21 PM 5/1 5/2008
Manually set the time and date:
Use 24 -hour time.
Learn about setting time.
The Time Tab
Setting the Time
When you connect the Nike+ SportBand Link to a USB port, the time and date on the
SportBand Link will automatically be set to the current time and date on your computer.
Here’showyoucanadjustthetimemanually.ClickontheTimetab(fig.15), then click
on “Manually set the time and date.” Now you can use the up and down buttons to
adjust the time or date.
To customize more settings, select another tab. When you are finished, click the Done
button. This will save your changes, close the settings window, and take you back to the
Nike+ Utility main window.