Nautilus TC916 Treadmill User Manual

Nautilus® TreadClimber®, Model TC916 Owner’s Manual
Note: It is important to know that the speed change up or down is not
immediate. Walk speed will gradually increase or decrease so be
sure to allow the TreadClimber
machine to adjust to a new speed
before changing again to avoid overshooting your desired speed.
Stop Key -
Press the STOP Key any time you want to pause the workout program for up to
two minutes. Press the STOP Key a second time, and the workout statistics will
be displayed, then the console will return to the “SELECT WORKOUT” prompt.
Treadle Max/Min Keys -
The TreadClimber
treadle displacement may be changed at any time during a
workout. Pressing the TREADLE MAX key increases the displacement to the full
amount and pressing the TREADLE MIN key decreases the displacement to one-
half the full amount.