4 - 2
To Add a Prefix or Suffix:
Step 1. Scan the Add Prefix or Add Suffix symbol (page 4-4).
Step 2. Determine the 2 digit Hex value from the Symbology Chart (see page
A-1) for the symbology to which you want to apply the prefix or suffix.
For example, for Code 128, Code ID is “j” and Hex ID is “6A”.
Step 3. Scan the 2 hex digits from the Programming Chart inside the back
cover of this manual or scan 9, 9 for all symbologies.
Step 4. Determine the hex value from the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page
1252), page A-4, for the prefix or suffix you wish to enter.
Step 5. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart inside the back
cover of this manual.
Step 6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for every prefix or suffix character.
Step 7. To add the Code I.D., scan 5, C, 8, 0.
To add AIM I.D., scan 5, C, 8, 1.
To add a backslash (\), scan 5, C, 5, C.
Note: To add a backslash (\) as in Step 7, you must scan 5C twice – once to
create the leading backslash and then to create the backslash itself.
Step 8. Scan Save to exit and save, or scan Discard to exit without saving.
Repeat Steps 1-6 to add a prefix or suffix for another symbology.
Example: Add a Suffix to a specific symbology
To send a CR (carriage return)Suffix for UPC only:
Step 1. Scan Add Suffix.
Step 2. Determine the 2 digit hex value from the Symbology Chart (see page
A-1) for UPC.
Step 3. Scan 6, 3 from the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this
Step 4. Determine the hex value from the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page
1252), page A-4, for the CR (carriage return).
Step 5. Scan 0, D from the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this
Step 6. Scan Save, or scan Discard to exit without saving.