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The Dial-Out Screen displays the Site name and Site phone number. The site name is included
with other information when the TCS dials out and connects to a Printer. When the TCS dials out to a
pager it sends the phone number of the site to the pager so the technician can call in to the site to see
what the problem is. The site name that is stored in the controller is displayed and can be changed by
clicking on the name
The Site phone number is the phone number of the site for modem connection. This number can
be up to 25 characters long. The number may contain hyphens or commas, but they are not necessary for
The Primary number is the first phone number that will be dialed for Alarm notification. This
number can be up to 25 characters long. The number may contain hyphens or commas, but they are not
necessary for operation.
The Secondary number is the second phone number that will be dialed for Alarm notification.
This number can be up to 25 characters long. The number may contain hyphens or commas, but they are
not necessary for operation.
The primary message format is the type of Alarm message that will be sent for Alarm
notification. The message will be a printer message or pager message.
The secondary message format is the type of Alarm message that will be sent for Alarm
notification. The message will be a printer message or pager message.
The Send to Both option will allow the controller to dial one or both of the phone numbers for
Alarm notification.