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change. Anyone may view the setpoint value. The dehumidification setpoint range is from 50 to 65 %
RH. The default value is 50 % RH. FREE COOLING ENTHALPY SETPOINT
The Enthalpy Setpoint is used to determine if the outside air is suitable to use for cooling the
structure. The default value for this point is 23.00 BTU/ lb. of dry air. Consult the Enthalpy Lookup
Table to adjust this value for the specific conditions that you wish to maintain in the structure. Read
down the relative humidity column under the percentage RH you wish to maintain. Read across the
inside temperature row to where it intersects the RH column. Enter this value into the Enthalpy Setpoint
Display. This will ensure that economizer will never bring in outside air that is too humid. FREE COOLING DRY BULB SETPOINT
The Dry Bulb Setpoint is used to determine if the outside air is suitable to use for cooling the
structure. The default value for this point is 48 F
.This will ensure that the economizer will never bring
in outside air that is to warm to provide cooling.