
TL-WR710N 150Mbps Wireless N Mini Pocket Router
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6.6 Wireless
Figure 6-6 Wireless menu
There are five submenus under the Wireless menu (shown in Figure 6-6): Wireless Settings,
Wireless Security, MAC Filtering, Wireless Advanced and Wireless Statistics. Click it, and
you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
6.6.1 Wireless Settings
Choose menu “Wireless Wireless Settings”, and then you can configure the basic settings
for the wireless network on this page.
Figure 6-7 Wireless Settings - Repeater
¾ Repeater Mode - In Repeater mode, the wireless repeater relays signal between its stations
and the root AP for greater wireless range.
Universal Repeater - In Repeater mode, the AP with WDS disabled will relay data to an
associated root AP. AP function is enabled meanwhile.
WDS Repeater - In WDS Repeater mode, the AP with WDS enabled will relay data to an
associated root AP. AP function is enabled meanwhile.
¾ Wireless Name of Root AP - The SSID of AP that you want to access.