TL-WR710N 150Mbps Wireless N Mini Pocket Router
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6.6 Wireless
Figure 6-6 Wireless menu
There are five submenus under the Wireless menu (shown in Figure 6-6): Wireless Settings,
Wireless Security, MAC Filtering, Wireless Advanced and Wireless Statistics. Click it, and
you will be able to configure the corresponding function.
6.6.1 Wireless Settings
Choose menu “Wireless → Wireless Settings”, and then you can configure the basic settings
for the wireless network on this page.
Figure 6-7 Wireless Settings - Repeater
¾ Repeater Mode - In Repeater mode, the wireless repeater relays signal between its stations
and the root AP for greater wireless range.
• Universal Repeater - In Repeater mode, the AP with WDS disabled will relay data to an
associated root AP. AP function is enabled meanwhile.
• WDS Repeater - In WDS Repeater mode, the AP with WDS enabled will relay data to an
associated root AP. AP function is enabled meanwhile.
¾ Wireless Name of Root AP - The SSID of AP that you want to access.