
To create, edit, and delete Connector Connection Pools, click Resources —> Administered
Object Resources in the Admin Console. Consult the Admin Console Online Help for detailed
instructions on managing connector connection pools.
“To Create an Administered Object Resource” on page 91
“To Edit an Administered Object Resource” on page 92
“To Delete an Administered Object Resource” on page 92
To Create an Administered Object Resource
Packaged within a resource adapter (connector module), an administered object provides
specialized functionality for an application. For example, an administered object might provide
access to a parser that is specic to the resource adapter and its associated EIS. The object can be
administered; that is, it can be congured by an administrator. To congure the object, add
name-value property pairs in the Create or Edit Admin Object Resource pages. When creating
an administered object resource, associate the administered object to a JNDI name.
The Enterprise Server implements JMS by using resource adapter. For each JMS destination
created, the Enterprise Server automatically creates an administered object resource.
In the tree component, expand theResources node andthen the Connectors node.
Expand the Admin Object Resourcesnode.
On the Admin Object Resourcespage, click New.
On the Admin Object Resources page,specify the followingsettings:
a. In theJNDI Name eld, type aunique name that identiesthe resource.
b. Inthe ResourceType eld, enter theJava type forthe resource.
c. From the Resource Adapter combobox, select the resource adapterthat contains the
administered object.
d. Select or deselect the Status checkbox to enableor disable the resource.
e. To congurethe administered object with name-value property pairs, clickAdd Property.
f. If you areusing cluster prole, in theTargets section of the page, select the domain,cluster,
or server instanceswhere the administeredobject willreside, from theAvailable eldand
click Add.
To undeploy the administered object to one of the domains, clusters, or server instances
listed in the Selected eld, select it from the eld and click Remove.
ManagingAdministeredObject Resources
Chapter7 • ConnectorResources 91