
TABLEC–11 JVM Options andVirtual Server Commands
Command Denition
create-jvm-option CreatesJVM options inthe Java congurationor proler elements of the
domain.xml le. If JVM optionsare created for a proler, theyare used to
record the settingsneeded to get a particular prolergoing. You must restart
the server fornewly created JVM options to takeeect.
delete-jvm-option RemovesJVM options fromthe Java congurationor proler elements of the
domain.xml le.
create-virtual-server Createsthe named virtual server. Virtualization inthe Application Server
allows multiple URLdomains to be served by asingle HTTP server process
that is listeningon multiple host addresses. If the application isavailable at
two virtual servers,they still share the same physicalresource pools.
delete-virtual-server Removesthe virtual server with the speciedvirtual server ID.
Threadpool and Auth-Realm Commands
The threadpool and auth-realm commands allow you to control these elements. These
commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–12 Threadpooland Auth-RealmCommands
Command Denition
create-threadpool Createsa threadpool withthe specied name. You can specifymaximum and
minimum number ofthreads in the pool, the numberof work queues, and the
idle timeout ofa thread. The created thread poolcan be used for servicing
IIOP requestsand for resource adapters toservice work management
requests. A createdthread pool can be used inmultiple resource adapters.
delete-threadpool Removesthe threadpool withthe named ID.
list-threadpools Lists allthe thread pools.
create-auth-realm Adds the named authentication realm.
delete-auth-realm Removesthe named authenticationrealm.
Transaction and Timer Commands
The transaction and timer commands allow you to control the transaction and timer
subsystems; allowing you to suspend any inight transactions. These commands are supported
in remote mode only.
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 245