
TABLEC–20 SecurityCommands (Continued)
Command Denition
delete-message-security-provide Enables administrators todelete a provider-config sub-element for
the given messagelayer (message-security-config element of
domain.xml, the le thatspecies parameters and properties to the
Application Server).
list-message-security-providers Enables administrators tolist all security message providers
(provider-config sub-elements) for thegiven message layer
(message-security-config element of domain.xml).
Password Commands
The password commands allow you to manage passwords and ensure security for the
application server.
TABLEC–21 PasswordCommands
Command Denition
create-password-alias Createsan alias for a password andstores it in domain.xml. An aliasis a token
of the form${ALIAS=password-alias-password}. The password
corresponding to thealias name is stored in anencrypted form. This
command takes botha secure interactive form (in whichthe user is prompted
for all information)and a more script-friendly form, inwhich the password is
propagated on thecommand line.
delete-password-alias Deletes apassword alias.
update-password-alias Updatesthe password alias IDs inthe named target.
list-password-aliases Lists allpassword aliases.
change-admin-password Thisremote command modies the admin password.This command is
interactive in thatthe user is prompted for theold and new admin password
(with conrmation).
change-master-password This local command is used tomodify the master password. This commandis
interactive in thatthe user is prompted for theold and new master password.
This command willnot work unless the server isstopped.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008250