
PropertyName ValidValues DefaultValue Description
RMPolicy ProviderManaged or
The isSameRM method onan
XAResource is used bythe
Transaction Managerto determine if
the Resource Manager instance
represented by twoXAResources are
the same. WhenRMPolicy is set to
ProviderManaged (the default value),
the JMS provideris responsible for
determining the RMPolicy andthe
XAResource wrappers in theGeneric
Resource Adapter merely delegatethe
isSameRM call to themessage queue
provider's XA resource
implementations. This shouldideally
work for mostmessage queue
Some XAResource implementations
such as IBMMQ Series rely on a
resource manager perphysical
connection and thiscauses issues
when there isinbound and outbound
communication to thesame queue
manager in asingle transaction (for
example, when anMDB sends a
response to adestination). When
RMPolicy is set to
OnePerPhysicalConnection, the
XAResource wrapper
implementation's isSameRM in
Generic Resource Adapter would
check if boththe XAResources use the
same physical connection,before
delegating to thewrapped objects.
ManagedConnectionFactory Properties
ManagedConnectionFactory properties are specied when a connector-connection-pool is
created. All the properties specied while creating the resource adapter can be overridden in a
ManagedConnectionFactory. Additional properties available only in
ManagedConnectionFactory are given below.
ForeignJMS Providers
Chapter4 • ConguringJavaMessage ServiceResources 71