
TABLEC–2 Server LifecycleCommands (Continued)
Command Denition
start-domain Starts a domain. If the domaindirectory is not specied, thedomain in the
default install_dir/domains directory isstarted. If there aretwo or more
domains, the domain_nameoperand must be specied.
stop-domain Stops theDomain Administration Serverof the specied domain.
restore-domain Restores lesunder the domain from a backupdirectory.
list-domains Lists the domain. If the domaindirectory is not specied, the domainin the
default install_dir/domains directory islisted. If there ismore than one
domain, the domain_nameoperand must be specied.
backup-domain Backs up lesunder the named domain.
login Lets youlog in to a domain.If various application server domainsare created
on various machines(locally), asadmin invocation from any ofthese machines
can manage thedomains located elsewhere (remotely). This comesin handy
especially when aparticular machine is chosen as anadministration client and
it manages multipledomains and servers. asadmin commands thatare used to
manage domains locatedelsewhere are called remote commands. Theasadmin
login command eases theadministration of such remote domains.The login
command runs onlyin the interactive mode. It promptsyou for the admin user
name and password.On successful login, the le .asadminpass willbe created
in the user'shome directory. This is the samele that is modied during the
create-domain command while usingthe --savelogin option. The domain
must be runningfor this command to run.
create-instance Creates a new server instanceresiding on a local or remotemachine.
delete-instance Deletes the server instance. This commandcan be run remotely or locally.The
user authenticates usingthe password identied for the administrationserver.
Additionally,the instance must already exist withinthe domain served by the
administration server. Usethis command with discretion since itis destructive
and cannot beundone.
List and Status Commands
The list and status commands display the status of a deployed component.
TABLEC–3 List andStatus Commands
Command Denition
show-component-status Gets the statusof the deployed component. The statusis a string representation
returned by theserver. The possible status strings includestatus of app-name is
enabled or status ofapp-name is disabled.
Listand StatusCommands
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008238