
Viewing Server Logs
To view the log les:
In the developer prole, go to Applications Server Logging View Log Files.
In the cluster and enterprise proles, go to Congurations Conguration Logger
Settings General, and click View Log Files.
Use the options provided in the Search Criteria area to display log results based on your
Instance Name Choose an instance name from the drop-down list to view the log for that
server instance. The default is the current server instance.
Log File — Choose a log le name from the drop-down list to view the contents of that log.
The default is server.log.
Timestamp — To view the most recent messages, select Most Recent (the default). To view
messages only from a certain period of time, select Specic Range and type a date and time
value in the From and To elds that appear. For the Time value, the syntax must take the
following form (SSS stands for milliseconds):
For example:
If the From value is later than the To value, an error message appears.
Log Level To lter messages by log level, choose a log level from the drop-down list. By
default, the display includes all messages that appear in the server log at the chosen log level
and more severe levels. Select the checkbox labeled “Do not include more severe messages”
to display messages at only the chosen level.
To ensure that the messages you want to view appear in the server log, rst set the
appropriate log levels on the Log Levels page. See
“Conguring Log Levels” on page 168.
If you choose to lter log messages based on log level, only messages matching the specied
lter criteria are shown. However, this ltering does not aect which messages are logged to
the server log.
The most recent 40 entries in the server log appear, with the settings specied on the
Logging Settings and Log Levels pages.
Click the arrow next to the Timestamp header to sort the messages so that the most recent
one appears last.
To view a formatted version of any message, click the link marked
Chapter17 • ConguringLogging 169