
TABLE 18–23 JVM Statistics for Java SE- Thread Info (Continued)
Statistic DataType Description
lockownerid CountStatistic IDof the thread that holds themonitor
lock of anobject on which this thread is
lockownername StringStatistic Nameof the thread that holds themonitor
lock of theobject this thread is blocking
stacktrace StringStatistic Stacktrace associated with this thread.
The statistics available for threads in the JVM in Java SE are shown in the following table.
TABLE18–24 JVM Statistics forJava SE- Threads
Statistic DataType Description
threadcount CountStatistic Current number oflive daemon and
non-daemon threads.
peakthreadcount CountStatistic Peaklive thread count since the JVM
started or thepeak was reset.
totalstartedthreadcount CountStatistic Total number of threads createdand/or
started since theJVM started.
daemonthreadcount CountStatistic Current numberof live daemon threads.
allthreadids StringStatistic List ofall live thread ids.
currentthreadcputime CountStatistic CPU time for thecurrent thread (in
nanoseconds) if CPUtime measurement is
enabled. IfCPU time measurement is
disabled, returns -1.
monitordeadlockedthreads StringStatistic List of thread ids thatare monitor
Enabling and Disabling Monitoring
This section contains the following topics:
“Conguring Monitoring Levels Using the Admin Console” on page 192
“To Congure Monitoring Levels Using asadmin” on page 192
Enablingand DisablingMonitoring
Chapter18 • MonitoringComponents andServices 191