
TABLE18–5 EJB CacheStatistics (Continued)
AttributeName DataType Description
numpassivationsuccess CountStatistic Number oftimes passivation completed
successfully. Applies onlyto stateful session
The statistics available for Timers are listed in the following table.
TABLE18–6 Timer Statistics
Statistic DataType Description
numtimerscreated CountStatistic Numberof timers created in thesystem.
numtimersdelivered CountStatistic Numberof timers delivered by thesystem.
numtimersremoved CountStatistic Numberof timers removed from thesystem.
Web Container Statistics
The web container ts into the tree of objects as shown in “The Applications Tree” on page 172.
Web container statistics are displayed for each individual web application. Statistics available
for the web container for servlets are shown in
Table 18–7, and statistics available for web
modules are shown in
Table 18–8.
TABLE18–7 WebContainer(Servlet) Statistics
Statistic Units DataType Comments
errorcount Number CountStatistic Cumulative number ofcases where the
response code isgreater than or equal to
maxtime Milliseconds CountStatistic The maximumamount of time the web
container waits forrequests.
processingtime Milliseconds CountStatistic Cumulativevalue of the amount oftime
required to processeach request. The
processing time isthe average of request
processing times dividedby the request
requestcount Number CountStatistic The totalnumber of requests processed so
Statistics available for web modules are shown in “Web Container Statistics” on page 180.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008180