
Version Commands
The version commands return the version string, display a list of all the asadmin commands,
and allow you to install the license le.
TABLEC–5 Version Commands
Command Denition
version Displays the versioninformation. If the commandcannot communicate with
the administration serverwith the given user/password and host/port,then
the command willretrieve the version locally and displaya warning message.
help Displaysa list of all theasadmin utility commands. Specify the commandto
display the usageinformation for that command
install-license Preventsunauthorized use of the ApplicationServer. Allows you to installthe
license le.
shutdown Gracefully bringsdown the administration server and allthe running
instances. You mustmanually start the administration server tobring it up
Message Queue Administration Commands
The Message Queue administration commands allow you to manage the JMS destinations.
TABLEC–6 MessageQueue Commands
Command Denition
create-jmsdest Creates a JMSphysical destination. Along with the physicaldestination, you
use the create-jms-resource commandto create a JMS destination resource
that has aName property that species the physicaldestination.
delete-jmsdest Removes the speciedJMS destination.
flush-jmsdest Purgesthe messages from aphysical destination in the specied target'sJMS
Service conguration.
list-jmsdest Lists the JMS physical destinations.
jms-ping Checks if theJMS service (also known asthe JMS provider) is up andrunning.
When you startthe ApplicationServer, the JMS service starts bydefault.
Additionally,it pings only the default JMShost within the JMS service.It
displays an errormessage when it is unable toping a built-in JMS service.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008240