
TABLEC–17 DatabaseCommands
Command Denition
start-database Startsthe Java DB serverthat is available with the Application Server. Use this
command only forworking with applications deployed to theApplication
stop-database Stops aprocess of the Java DB server.Java DBserver is available with the
Application Server.
Diagnostic and Logging Commands
The diagnostic and logging commands help you troubleshoot problems with the application
server. These commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–18 Diagnosticand Logging Commands
Command Denition
generate-diagnostic-report Generates an HTML reportthat contains pointers or navigational linksto
an application serverinstallation details such as conguration details,
logging details, orprocess specic information for an applicationserver
display-error-statistics Displays a summarylist of severities and warnings inserver.log since the
last server restart.
display-error-distribution Displays distribution oferrors from instance server.log at module level.
display-log-records Displays all theerror messages for a given moduleat a given timestamp.
Web Service Commands
The web service commands allow you to monitor a deployed web service and manage
transformation rules.
TABLEC–19 WebService Commands
Command Denition
configure-webservice-management congure the monitoringor the maxhistory attributes of a deployed
web service.
create-transformation-rule Creates anXSLT transformation rulethat can be applied to aweb
service operation. Therule can be applied either toa request or to a
Diagnosticand LoggingCommands
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008248