NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
Additional System Configuration 7-9
v2.0, May 2007
Setting Date and Time
To configure the SSL VPN Concentrator date and time settings:
1. Under the System Configuration menu in the left navigation pane, click Date and Time.
The SSL VPN Concentrator uses the date and time settings to timestamp log events, verify
certificate validity, and for other internal purposes.
2. From the Select Your Time Zone drop-down menu, select your time zone.
3. Automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time is enabled by default. Uncheck the radio box
to disable this feature.
4. Select either the Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) radio box or the Set date and time
manually radio box. If you select the manual option, enter the desired time (in 24-hour time
format) in the Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Month, Day and Year fields and proceed to step 6.
5. Select the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to be used.
Figure 7-1